IN THIS POST: Phase 2 – Beginning April 12, Mother’s Day Zoom, EBS Recipe Book, This week’s Art, Asynchronous Work This Week, Anonymous Feedback Form, Art This Week, Save the Date, This Week
Phase 2 – Beginning April 12th
Schedules have been updated and we are so excited to begin this change in school! Whether at home or on campus we are Team TK! So grateful we have our Friday’s to be together as we finish this year! Can you believe they are almost Kindergartners!! Yikes…it goes too fast!
Onsite Friends…don’t forget to bring:
- Full sized backpack (labeled with name)
- Snack in Snack bag (Labeled with name)
- Water Bottle with straw or sippy lid (labeled with name)
- Optional: Extra mask in backpack (in Ziploc bag with name)
- Headphones (labeled)
- Fully Charged Computer
- Arrive between 8:40 – 8:55 (park and walk up to the gate…dismissal will be at the same gate)
- Signed Daily Symptom Checklist (the school will call if it isn’t complete or is forgotten…you received a copy at Distribution).
Mother’s Day Zoom
Save the date in your calendars! We will be having the annual TK Mother’s Day on Zoom. There will be a craft, there will be cuddling and lots of love and appreciation for our sweet mamas!! (There will be a materials pick up prior to this event!)
Please save the date for Friday, May 7th from 8:30 – approximately 9:10.
EBS Recipe Book
If you haven’t sent in a recipe yet for the school book, do so now! What a fun idea and way to share some special kitchen yummies! My family and I sent in this recipe! Its a favorite pancake of ours! Super fun and full of protein! If you want to submit a favorite recipe of yours, use the link below and don’t forget to add a picture in with your EBS student or EBS cooks/bakers!
This Week’s Art:
This week’s art followed up with our learning about chicks before spring break!!
Asynchronous Work for April 12 – 16th
Whether you are online or onsite, please make sure you complete your asynchronous work:
- Math – ST Math or Happy Numbers
- Independent Reading – RAZ Kids or Book Bag or Get Epic
- WRITING – Assigned in Seesaw
- Seesaw – STEAM Seesaws will likely be given to do on Asynchronous Fridays.
Anonymous Feedback Form
If you have feedback (positive or constructive) or ideas please take a moment to share your thoughts and feedback! I am loving getting to know the kids better and that they are getting to know each other better despite the challenges we don’t typically deal with! Anonymous Feedback Form
Save these Dates
- Phase 2 begins – April 12th
- Fine Artists Lesson – Friday, April 23rd from 8:30 am – 9:30 am
- SAVE THE DATE: Mother’s Day Zoom – Friday, May 7th 8:30 – 9:10 (approximately)
The Week Ahead…
Monday – 4/12/21
- First Day of Phase 2
- Onsite arrival from 8:40 – 8:55
- Online begins at 12:00 (ELD) and 12:30 (all Online Learners)
Tuesday – 4/13/21
- Onsite arrival from 8:40 – 8:55
- Online begins at 12:00 (ELD) and 12:30 (all Online Learners)
Wednesday – 4/14/21
- Onsite arrival from 8:40 – 8:55
- Online begins at 12:00 (ELD) and 12:30 (all Online Learners)
Thursday – 4/15/21
- Onsite arrival from 8:40 – 8:55
- Online begins at 12:00 (ELD) and 12:30 (all Online Learners)
Friday – 4/16/21
- Morning Meeting 8:50 – 9:30
- Music with Mr. Waczek @ 9:45 – 10:00