TK Days: March 7 – 11

Welcome to Week 24! This post includes:  •Jog-A-Thon  •EBS Idol    •TK/K Family Science Night   •Help for the Homeless    •Field trip   •Run Club Achievements   •Star of the Week    •This Week’s Curriculum   •Future Dates   •The Week Ahead


We are still in need a few items for the 2016 Jog-A-Thon! See the sign-up list that will be posted by the backpacks as we will need them for Friday. If the Jog-A-Thon is new to you….check out the brief description below as its one of the main school spirit days of the year!

Description of the Day: We all head up together and the kids are able to run laps around the lower field. The students get scanned each time they go around. Many EBS families, grandparents and siblings come out to cheer, pass out fruit and water, squirt water guns (bring your own) as the laps of fun continue! There is a DJ playing music and all the TK – 2 classes are out running at the same time. Each student receives a free T-Shirt that matches the color of rest of the grade. I’ll be out there running as well! We hope you can all join in the fun! Megan McGarry has offered to help our class but could use some extra help as she is also volunteering for another class! If you think you could help man the snack table, donate fruit or water or just want to come and cheer on the runners, sign up and come on out!

Our start time is scheduled at 10:45 on Friday, March 18th!

Finally, this is the main fundraiser of year besides all the fun we have. If you are collecting flat donations from family and friends or getting laps sponsored (many TK’s run/walk anywhere from 7 – 15 laps), envelopes already went home and need to be turned in by the week after spring break! Thank you for supporting our school and our year of fun!

Here’s some pics from last year!

Photo Mar 06, 10 40 57 AM Photo Mar 06, 10 49 48 AM

EBS Idol

I know you have all heard talk about the infamous and upcoming EBS Idol! This is a Friday evening event and so much fun! In short its a school wide talent show! Students or groups of students audition to perform and at the actual evening show, the students show their stuff! You will see kids of all ages being as adorable and impressive as ever! The show always ends with a teacher performance (which I will be a part of as well). I’m hoping you all are able to make it out to watch as you may have a little performer next year or in future years ahead!

Pictures from last year below:

EBS Idol Rock of Ages

TK/K Family Science Night

On Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 6:30pm in the MPR is the Kindergarten/TK Family Science Night! This is a fun event that is put on just for the TK/K students. The multi-purpose room is set up with many different science experiments. TK/K students and their parents rotate through each of the experiments for the the evening!

Minimum Days for Conferences

Next week there are three days reserved for Parent Teacher conferences. Just as a note, Wednesday 3/16, Thursday 3/17, and Friday 3/18 the entire school will dismiss at 12:30 and we will dismiss from the classroom for each of those days.

Help for the Homeless

By the end of this week we had 21 bags for the Homeless! Its so exciting! I can’t thank you enough for your generosity and for being involved in our heart goals! We have already achieved our goal and we still have 2 more weeks of collecting!  You are all such givers with big hearts!

File Mar 11, 9 06 22 AM

Field Trip…

Our first field trip is on Wednesday, April 13th! This field trip will tie into the learning we’ve been doing in the classroom as it will center around our Heart Goals. We will be visiting a nearby senior center to sing some songs and share love through pictures and words. After our visit with the residents there, we will be stopping at a nearby park to eat lunch and play before we head back to our school campus! Information will be going out very soon so keep your eyes out!

PS The back of the homework log this week has the lyrics to a song we’ll be singing so you can practice at home. The song is free on Amazon Music if you are a Prime Member. Thanks!

FYI…this is also Spring Picture Day so we will be taking our school pictures before we depart!

Run Club Achievements

These ladies both reached some Run Club Milestones this week! Applaud them for their diligence and effort as they worked hard to achieve these ribbons!

File Mar 11, 8 06 11 AM File Mar 11, 8 06 01 AM

This Week’s Star!

File Mar 11, 8 05 38 AM

 This past week in…

  • Math – We continued to practice subtraction. We go over the concept daily by using our hands/arms to show when adding we bring our arms together, and when subtracting we take one hand away from the other. We also showed the symbol for the first time this week as we were writing ___ take away ____ is ____. To shorten the words we written, we explained that the symbol, “-” means the same as take away and the symbol, “=” means “the same as.” We are now reading our number sentences…. Seven take away 3 is the same as 4 (7 – 3 = 4)  Try this new link on subtracting practice. Subtraction with Cubes
  • Writing: This week we started a new unit on Opinion/Persuasive writing. We discussed how if there is a problem we can use writing to communicate and prevent the problem. Some students made signs to communicate to a group of people about a problem and other students wrote letters to solicit help from another person.
  • Handwriting: Keep on practicing those lower case letters and numbers. Check for reversals.
  • Letter Xx!  This letter is unique in that it can sound so different depending on where it is in the word and what word it is. This week our collection of words varied in many ways.

Upcoming Events

  • St. Patrick’s Day – Wear GREEN!
  • Jog-A-Thon – You don’t want to miss this one! 3/18/16 (volunteers still needed)
  • Parent Teacher Conferences – Wed 3/16, Thurs. 3/17, and Fri. 3/18
  • Kindergarten Science Night – Thursday, March 24th at 6:30 pm
  • Generosity Bags Due – Friday, March 25th
  • Spring Break – Monday March 28th – Friday, April 1st

See Calendar Dates Page on our website to see important dates for this year!

A Look at our Week Ahead

Monday – 3/14

  • Volunteers: Shiho Brenner, Nikki Green

Tuesday – 3/15

  • PLC Day for TK/K teachers – Mrs. Leatherwood will be here in the morning
  • Volunteers: Stacy McMullan

Wednesday – 3/16

  • Minimum Day – Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Volunteers: Jeanne Smith, Megan McGarry

Thursday – 3/17

  • St. Patrick’s Day – Wear GREEN
  • Character Education with Ann Tran-Lien
  • Parent Conferences
  • Technology Academy with Mrs. Martin
  • Lunch Only day at 11:35 pm (eat a BIG breakfast)
  • Minimum Day, whole school dismisses at 12:30pm (dismissal in 206)
  • Volunteers: Kelly Lyman, Ann Tran-Lien

Friday – 3/18

  • Jog-A-Thon @ 10:45
  • Music with Mr. Waczek – 8:50 am
  • Volunteers: Karrie Yi



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