What a great week we had! We have all really bonded and have become very familiar with each other! I just have to thank you all for all the support! I couldn’t be more grateful and couldn’t do this job without you all! Thank you for partnering in this year in so many ways!
Fine Art Lesson
We had two of our 206 moms and one of our 206 Grandmas come on in and teach our first of six Fine Art Lessons. The kids were read a story this week to tell them more information about the artist. During the lesson they created their own art piece inspired by the artist.
Computer Lab
Another great week for the kids in Computer Lab. This is becoming a class time favorite for 206! This week amongst many things, Ms. Martin showed the students a new website. Check out the directions to try at home:
- Go to the school website
- Go to Students
- Drop down to Computer Lab
- Click on the left to Ms. Martin’s Favorites
- Click on ABCya.com
- Choose K
- Enjoy the games, (the kids love FuzzBugs)
Ms. Sloan’s Birthday
Friday was Ms. Sloan’s Birthday! We made her a special card to tell her how much we loved her! We created the card during Interactive Writing. This was a negotiated and authentic message. Different students came up to help write parts of the text. Since it was a card, we all got to sign it!
This week I sent home the Reading Log and I made a mistake on the front page. I didn’t mean to print the box on the front page with the table of sight words from last week. This week is a Sight Word Review week. We have had 4 weeks of lists and we want to make sure that everyone is practicing and knows all 20 sight words so far. Take this week to review or catch up on any words that your child needs more practice on. I also printed some ideas to modify or challenge your students as well. The back page explains in more details how you can review the words with your student.Thank you for your support and consistency!
- Week 1: I, at, the, is, to
- Week 2: it, go, me, and, we
- Week 3: in, my, a, up, be
- Week 4: on, am, like this had
Class Roster
I have updated some information in the class roster and will email this out. Please replace this roster with the previous one sent out. Thank you again to Angela Weathers for creating this!
I’m posting a new volunteer sheet outside the class tomorrow after dismissal regarding a few more volunteer spots. Please stop by and take a look if you are able to contribute in any way. Thank you!
The Week Ahead….
MONDAY 10/13
- PE – Wear tennis shoes that cover your full foot. No Crocs, Mary Janes, TOMS, or slip ons.
- Character Education Lesson by Megan Brenk (Generosity)
- Computer Lab
- Wear Purple
- Return your library books
- Minimum Day
FRIDAY 10/17
- Return your reading log
- Fall Festival!!!! 5:30 pm at EBS