As the saying goes, “It takes a village…” there are many people involved in the raising, safety, and education of a child! We are all so fortunate to be in this country and in this school as there are so many resources and aspects of EBS that make it such a phenomenal school. Even more narrowed down, I can say I feel so lucky to be part of this class family!
AFP Super Pledge Drive
Our 206 classroom has returned 100% of our envelopes! Hooray! We all have an EBS bracelet and we will receive a class party with our Vice Principal, Mr. Morici!
On an greater note, this Super Pledge is what helps to fund all the amazing resources, programs and activities that our class receives as being a student at EBS! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your involvement, participation and interests in making the school that much more dynamic!
Classroom Reps and Volunteers
Thank you for everyone that has been “CLEARED” to be a part of our classroom volunteering and events. If you haven’t done so, and would still like to be cleared, please stop by our classroom for an application.
We have so many parent helpers already that have volunteered to be our 206 village by volunteering in the class, being a representative of our class (AFP, Character Eduacation, Fine Artist Program, Yearbook, etc) , volunteering to do work at home, being a room parent and the generous words of many that have offered to give and help out in any way possible this year! We are only 3 weeks in and the amount of communication and support has been so wonderful! Hugs to you all!